Making Education Meaningful
Our Emergent Curriculum is deeply rooted in evidence based research that supports active and intentional learning for young children. We believe when learning experiences align with a child's interest, strengths or prior knowledge and learning styles, children are positioned to be active participants in their learning journey.
Before and After School PROGRAMS
School-Age Programs (KG-6)
John Ross Robertson Child Centre (JRRCC) offers two Kindergarten groups and four school-age groups, each with its own space and two dedicated teachers in each room. Our Before and After School programs are strategically located in shared space classrooms throughout John Ross Robertson Junior Public School.

Lunch Time
Preschool aged children enjoy a hot lunch prepared by our caterer, Real Food for Real Kids. On instructional days Kindergarten and School-age children enjoy their lunches, prepared at home at school with their peers. The school-time lunch period is under TDSB staff supervision and are not in childcare during lunch. On PA Days Kindergarten and School aged children bring a packed lunch to the child centre.
Program Offerings
The preschool program has endless possibilities for engagement. Below are a few opportunities our children may encounter.
School-Age Programs (Grade 1-6)
John Ross Robertson Child Centre (JRRCC) now has four school-age groups, each with its own space and two dedicated teachers in each room. School-age child care rooms are located upstairs on the 2nd-floor, room 213, and share the kindergarten rooms on the main floor.

Before School (7:30 AM - 8:45 AM)
Because most children are dropped off in the morning for a relatively short time before school starts, this program is loosely structured to give children who come in early the chance to hang out in a safe environment with their friends. Games, toys, and books on our shelves are available to use, as are art and craft supplies. If the weather and or ground conditions permit, children are escorted to the playground and safely supervised by our staff until JRR School teachers arrive for yard duty take over supervisory responsibility of all children in the schoolyard. Rarely do we not go outdoors, so please make that children are dressed appropriately.
Lunch Hour (11:45 AM - 12:50 PM)
Children in Gr 1-6 who do not go home at lunchtime eat in the gymnasium. These children, including those enrolled in child care before and after school, are under the supervision of TDSB staff. They are not in childcare during lunch. The school has an optional catered lunch program called "Lunch Lady." Children who do not choose to participate in the school's hot lunch need to bring their lunch from home.

After School Care (3:35 PM - 6:00 PM)
Since children have been in classes for six hours before arriving at the child care, we endeavor to provide an alternative and complementary recreational environment. However, we do reinforce values and rules established by the administration and staff of JRR School, which includes some additional guidelines of our own.
Designated Child Care Rooms
After dismissal at 3:35 p.m., children walk with peers from their classes and sign in with staff at their designated child care room. Once children have all been accounted for on our attendance register, they are asked to wash their hands and serve themselves a nutritious and tasty snack supplied by RFRK, our catering company.

Homework Help & Other Creative Activities
After snack, children can elect to do homework or catch up on their reading. Staff will help with homework to the best of our abilities. Activity areas are also set up throughout the rooms based on the children’s interests.
These include ever-changing creative and science/nature projects, computers, board games, dramatic play, and much more. Time is also allotted for outdoor sports and recreation or various play and athletic sporting activities in the gymnasium. Weekly program plans are posted in each area on bulletin boards or walls.